In January 2022, the Central Frederick neighbourhood received a notification about a potential new development at 234 & 240 Frederick St. in Kitchener. At the corner of Gordon and Frederick near Lancaster St. and Samuel St.

We were invited to an open forum on a Microsoft Teams Call on February 1, 2022 at 6 pm and were presented with a proposed project.

On April 19, there is a Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment for the City where the Minor Variances for the project will be considered. (Project A 2022-037 234-240 Frederick St.)

To attend:

Letters sent to the Committee:

Letter to CofA April 2022.pdf

Committee of Adjustment, Objection to article A2022-037.pdf

Minor Variance File No. A 2022-037.pdf

Project Details

The project details are below and the developer is seeking 3 variances from the City of Kitchener:

  1. 2.2 metre (7.2 ft) increase in building height.

    Maximum Legal Height 40 feet 12.2 metres
    Increase in Height Proposal 47.2 feet 14.4 metres
    % Increase 18% 18%
  2. 58 parking spaces are required but only 43 provided. Concerns about traffic on Gordon and Clarence which already filled with Centre in The Square traffic due to restrictions on parking in the neighbourhood.

  3. A reduction in the distance the building must be from the back yard. The two properties affected are non-conforming and have pools very close to the building.

    Legal Setback Required 23.5 feet 7.15 metres
    Variance Setback Proposal 17.3 feet 5.27 metres
    % reduction 27% 27%

We also understand that the development will consist of 32 units: 26 at 500 sqft and 6 1-bedroom at 700 sqft. We question the sizes and affordability as this area will like be in the Inclusionary zone as it withing 800 metres of a an LRT stop.

From that meeting a group met and formed because of a shared belief that this is the wrong project for this community.

Maps and Projections
